Monday 12 January 2015



Every day that you take the breath of life, did you know you are the one who will determine if you will be happy or you will be all glum all day! The people I always see around me have faces drawn in a serious fashion and most will disagree with me and say “No!our moods are determined by the day”. To some extent I may agree with them but I always ask, what if you decided to smile even though you woke up on the wrong side of bed feeling like as if you could throw something at someone. That may be so, but have you ever considered that if you decided to stop allowing situations control your  life you may be a happy person.
In buses I always see people deep in thought and all serious focused on their many worries and troubles. Am not saying it is a bad thing, but one has a choice of making their day, by owning it. It will not be easy cause all sorts of issues will crop up and try to crash you from all sides. One thing I have learned is that ” what you confess is what you profess”.
Your words will deter how your day will turn out. Some of you will tell me, “but we have stress and life is hard”. That is true, but does that mean that for the rest of our lives we shall and continue to live under the shadow of our problems. I say “NO!”.
We are the definers of our own happiness no matter how bad your day is you can simply say ” Thank you God for the very breath of life i have”. You may also decide to start your day by saying, “today is going to be a good day”. No matter what the day holds, you can decide to make it better for yourself.

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