Monday 12 January 2015


What a wonderful feeling to thank God for seeing yet another beautiful day full of new opportunities. How time flies when we are caught up in the circus of life. Smile as today is the day a new you emerges from the depths of the shadows. Let us return to the train of thought of the day, valuing the time we give others. Am talking to you about how much of our time we give those who we interact with on a daily basis. I hope you do realize that time is a precious commodity that can't be bought but comes and goes as it pleases.

What if we could change that and own it. Yeah, I know that sounds out right crazy but think about it. each day we have 24 hours yet we are always crying for more time. Yet if we learned or had the capacity to manage the 'little time' we have then we would see it is more than enough. The question you may ask is how can I do that yet the 24 hours I have don't seem sufficient. Well to answer you, I will ask you how do you spend your hours each day?

Do you have those long unnecessary lunch breaks during working hours? Do you get to work on time instead of in time? Do you procrastinate most of the things you are meant to do per day? Do you always go wandering town for no apparent reason ? e.t.c. If the answer to the questions is yes, well you are seeing the problem. We complain that time is not on our side yet we don't prioritize as to how we should spend it. Like anything you deem as precious, you should consider it valuable, you time should be as costly.

We dish out our time to others without the thought of how are going to recover fro the hours let. Chanting to ourselves like Masai warriors "We want more time! We want more time!!". Yet here we are a sorrowful lot, yearning for an extension of the duration of the days we get to live. Lesson number one, always make sure that you are accountable for each and every hour that you use per day & I hope that it will be in a productive manner.

The going may be getting tougher but you have the strength of a Spartan you just don't realize it. Let it be known that your time is a commodity that has value and should not be wasted on the pity and unnecessary things and I don't mean your deny yourself some relation time. You better get to the habits of the bees, where each and every one of them knows their worth and what s expected of them.

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