Monday 12 January 2015


How do I put this more bluntly,”ain’t nobody got time for that!”. Chase after you, yeah right!. Life has become more complex to the extent the phrase,”the more the merrier” no longer applies. We are woven into a time capsule that requires fewer entities to ensure ones survival in this abyss of doom. I have been there, where I enjoyed having more people in my life. I used to see it as a great achievement in this vicious cycle of life. Living for now not thinking of the future.
It was only until I realized that I was stagnant in my life that I started to sieve out those who didn’t matter in my life. You may have people who always want you to go after them. Maybe because they have more money than you, they are way cooler, they have the best of things and so on. It broke my heart to realize that I was wasting my time & energy going after the wrong things and people instead of defining my own path with that which mattered the most.
The days of pampering one so as to have them by your side are long gone. I came to the realization that people take advantage of that and misuse it for their own selfish ends. If you do not pamper them they will not indulge you, Haaa! what a joke. A building maybe tall and has many rooms but what keeps it in place is the foundation. The foundation keeps the whole building in place and stable without it no building will stand. Allowing others to fill up your space will leave you choking and gasping for air.
Do not get me wrong, am not saying having people in your life is utter doom but let it be that those who are involved in you life are worthy of having around. This thing where one wants you to always be nice to them so that they can do a favour for you that belongs in the gutters. If they do not want to help so be it that does not mean it is the beginning of the apocalypse.
It is said value those who create time for you in their busy schedules but love those who do not even look at theirs. What am saying is that you need to know who deserves to be in your life, the rest can be shown the door.

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