Monday 12 January 2015


A disciplined person is one that has established a goal and is willing to achieve that goal at the expense of his or her individuality.  We aim at making it in this life & the next so as to leave behind a legacy that speaks for itself. Most of us have goals that we want to attain through thick and thin. In the step by step venture of getting to where we have our eyes focused, we have to take chances and go through the risks involved to reach the top.
Some may interpret it as when our mothers used to beat us when we did wrong, like eating sugar. No, that is not what i mean here but what i have in mind is more in the likes of programming oneself to have a specific train of thought with the end result being the best of what you are. Where if it is buying a house (the goal) you are a persistent and continuous saver. Whereby what you want to accomplish is having your own house in your name and not paying rent to anyone.
Now that is what having discipline will get you, in which you shall see the fruits of your labour. You become so focused on attaining your dreams that you let nothing disrupt the path that you are following. If only we had the focus needed to make our lives as we desire, we would be so far in this life. It is so unfortunate that we are a wasteful lot, heading towards a path of self destruction. Lacking in the art of self discipline in order to better ourselves, no more should we stand idle and let our demons overcome us.
If we give them a gateway we shall be over run by all manner of monstrosities. Then our lives will be wayward and lacking in direction. It will be more like a pendulum, we will be moving in a forward and backward motion lacking a standing point. This life we live needs to be orchestrated by us and not by the world. A goal without a plan is just a dream. In determining your goal, you have to be persistent so as to achieve it.
A goal is only a goal when you know you’re going to achieve it, otherwise, it’s a dream. Knowing what you want is the first step towards the 10,000 mile-away success distance you want to reach. Without it, you will simply wander around your current position. You will never have something different until you do something different.

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