Monday 12 January 2015


I see you reading this and asking yourself,”what the heck is this?”. No worries, i will clarify what the quote is saying. Let me ask are you the kind of person who only goes to church on Sunday or when things are not looking up for you. I guess most of us are. We only make an appointment with God when our lives are in turmoil. Have you ever considered that God wants us to spend more quality time with Him. I don’t mean that every day you go to church but at least you talk to Him more frequently..
It is quite interesting to know that you can have a chat with God without having to go anywhere. You can either pray or just talk to Him the same way you would hold a conversation with a friend. You do not have to take my word for it but you could try it for yourself. When God handed us His Word which is the Bible, we found it quite a strange book to read. It is only after we started going through its chapters that we came to realize we should not judge a book by its cover.
Having a personal relationship with God is one of the most heart soothing experience one can ever have. God has a desire to see us come to Him anytime and not only seek Him in our time of need. I look at the sacrifice He had to make by letting His Son be crucified on the cross so that we could all have a clean slate. Now that is what I call love that knows no bounds or boundaries. We need to evaluate how we live our lives, am not saying we should live a holy and thou life, but a life that has a purpose and is centered on God.
In all we do we should involve Him, He knows what is best for us. Sometimes He will give us what we want so badly just to show us that is not what we really needed. Let us not just visit God during the weekends but each and every day that we get to have the breath of life. You may choose to live life the way you deem fit, I can not hold a gun against your temple and force you to involve God in your every day way of life. Live a life that is fulfilling and is under the guidance of the scriptures.
Some may argue why should I involve God, yet He lets bad thing happen to me or someone else. Well I do understand your predicament but one thing I do know is that nothing happens without a reason. If you look at the book of Jeremiah 29:11 God clearly states in His Word that He knows the plan He has for us even before we were brought to this earth. It may not make sense at the moment but I have learned that there is always a bigger picture that is yet to be unveiled. Just try and make time to visit God’s presence more often.

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