Monday 12 January 2015


Who wouldn’t want to have a fulfilled life,who? I know i would, i would relish each and every opportunity that would come my way like as if it is my last day on earth. Am not kidding, when an opportunity knocks at your door, do not let it slip through your fingers. Don’t get me wrong, if a deal is too sweet you better back off or even think three times leave alone the usual two times. Life is not a rehearsal so that you know, there is no rewind button.
I take in deep breaths each and every morning with a smile on my face as i fill my lungs with clean fresh air, knowing that today is the day. You ask what i mean by ‘the day’? Well to put it bluntly, i mean a clean slate for the next 24 hours that you have of the day that you have woken up and seen. You have the day to make a difference or just wait for it to go to waste, mostly you have choices to make and opportunities to seize.
Onwards we shall march into battle field with our swords at the ready, for we are gladiators who fear nothing and are ready to leap into the hot blazing  fire itself to grab onto the heels of life. Yes, we should not take for granted the various opportunities that grace our way. As it is said, “Opportunity only knocks once at the door” or something like that. Life is the most adrenaline filled adventure that i have ever come across and believe me it still perplexes me.
To me each day is a second chance to right a wrong or to just seize the moment.. Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do. It is the heart that is afraid of breaking that never learns to dance, the dream that is afraid of waking up that never takes the chance & the soul that is afraid of dying that never learns to live.

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