Monday 12 January 2015


What a wonderful day it is to be alive, breathing and taking in  the goodness of a great day granted upon us by the heavenly Father up above. Lets bow our heads and pray. “Our everlasting Father, creator of the heavens and the earth we thank you for giving us yet another day that you have blessed us with. As we soak in your grace may you guide us in all that we do.
Our father we come before You, not to ask for much but to say thank you for all that you do for us. For we pray this in Jesus name, Amen”. Let me ask this, do you enjoy when you are smiling, laughing, having the time of your life, things are going smoothly in your life, your finances are in order? You can take a minute and reflect on that. Such is the life that we desire to have and what I can tell you is that nothing is impossible once you take it before God.
Am not preaching to you I want to teach you that whatever it is that you desire you can get. You need to have the will and determination to surrender it all to the Creator. Now as I was saying you need to be the sunshine in the lives of others. You don’t need to have your actions recognized by others but if deep inside you know that you are doing the right thing that is all what matters.
Let us not dwell on the praise of those around us but from the Heavenly Father, that is how I believe it should be, you may choose otherwise. My only challenge to you for today is that you should try and bring change to somebody’s life. You don’t need to know them to help. Many of you will say, why should I help them and yet I have my own problems which are weighing me down.
Well, I get what you mean life is not playing fair. Let me ask you, do you have food to eat, clothes to wear, bed to sleep, shelter against the cold & hot sun. Then be grateful for that even if problems are clawing at you from all sides. What I want you ro realize is that not everyone is blessed as you are. You should look at what you have and be grateful for the few blessings that have graced your life.
We are not all the same but I know that a small act of kindness has an effect that you can’t fathom. You may take it as just a simple thing but be assured that the receiver of your deeds sees it as a blessing. You do not need to shine like the stars up above at night to give light, you could be like a candle and yet you illuminate light to those who need it. I do rather share the little that I have than wait when I have amassed wealth to start helping others.
The little you can do is a lot more than waiting for that big bang, so that you can help those in need, try and be the rainbow in somebody’s cloud.

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