Monday 12 January 2015


The walk with Christ is the most epic journey of all times. Many will say, how can that be with so many ‘Christians’ back stabbing each other & using religion to shed blood. Am heart broken because of the ways Christians of today let us down in knowing Jesus Christ. We should not lose heart, when you discover the true meaning of living a life in Christ then you will appreciate His great wonders. I have been enjoying the walk of salvation though it has not been easy.
Time & again I found myself back sliding and I will question my hold on Christ. No one ever said been saved was easy but I have come to appreciate the gateway that God gave us in this walk. Having left us the guide in our time of need & celebration He gave us His word ‘The Bible’. Which I have come to appreciate its value. I call it the “66 book love letter”. It speaks of the immense love God has for us and guides us in our every day living, to me it is the encyclopedia of life.
One will say that they have sinned so greatly that God can’t accept them in His kingdom. I can’t agree with that because God gives you a chance to start a new with Him. Spiritually, when sin and failure break our relationship with God and sideline our service, determination alone is not what restores us to rightness with God and usefulness in His Kingdom. When we are sidelined because of sin, the path to a comeback as well.
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). At first it will be hectic cause the old ways will creep up to you and want to cling to you, but you have to make a stand and let them go. Get down on your knees and take everything before God. You can say the below prayer and welcome Jesus into your life and make Him your Lord and Savior.
“Father God, I love You. I come to You today in faith asking You to forgive my sins. Jesus, I believe in You, I believe You died on the cross for me, You shed your innocent blood for me, You took my place and all punishment that i deserved. I believe You died and were buried and on the third day You rose from the dead. Death could not hold You. You have conquered Satan and taken the keys of hell and death from him. I believe You did all of this for me because You love me.
I want to be yours. I want to serve You all the days of my life. I want to learn how to live the new life that You promised me. I receive You now, Jesus, and I give myself to you. Take me just the way I am, and make me what You want me to be. Thank you Jesus, for saving me. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and teach me everything i need to know. Now, I believe that I am saved, I have been born again, and I will go to heaven when i die. Father God, I am going to enjoy my journey and live for your glory, Amen!”

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