Monday 12 January 2015


Welcome back, am guessing your week started off better than you expected. Well am hoping if it hasn’t that it will, for me am grateful for seeing yet another day, aren’t you also thankful? You should be, because let me tell you something, seeing another day is not an automatic right as you might think. The breath of life that flows through us is granted upon us by the Almighty Father whom we should show our gratitude to.
Now, enough with the appreciations but just keep that in mind that each & every day you need to be grateful for a new day that you have seen. It is not by your will that you are alive but by a force greater than you can imagine. Just take a minute and look at those who are around you, please go ahead and do that. I will explain briefly the reason as to why I ask you to do so.
You see in the beginning of our lives we never knew each other, rather we were total strangers but later on we forged bonds stronger than steel & became allies. Now, have you looked at those around you even if it is in the office, at a restaurant or within school. Have you noticed that there is something distinct about those who are close by, each seems to be in their own world  & has a quality that can only be identified as theirs.
It is evident that we all hail from different corners of our motherland yet we found a way to co-relate with each other. We are not the same even if we may have similar tastes or preferences. It is vital to know that before you judge someone’s life, their past or their character. Walk in their shoes, walk the path that they have travelled, live their sorrows, their doubts, their fears, their pain and their laughter, then you will realize that everyone has a a story.
Everyone has a story to tell, a lesson to teach and wisdom to share. Life is a beautiful masterpiece bound together by your experiences. Open up and share your story, become an inspiration to others. you can make a difference  because you matter. You were created for a purpose. Live your life with intention, go out there and make a difference by being the difference.

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