Monday 12 January 2015


Pssst! Yes you! Are you in a place that you deem to be your rock bottom. Is the weight of your problems weighing you down, making you pop those veins at the side of your head? Well, am guessing most of us have been there or are there already, damn even I have also reached my lowest of low. It is not one pretty place to be, cause the feeling of hopelessness overwhelms you, dragging you through the mud of anxiety and stress.
When we get to such a place, you will hear a good number of people say, “niko na stress mingi”. Having reached such a point, we will deem it a place of no return. Finding the only way to salvage ourselves is by drowning in a bottle of liqour. Please, do not get me wrong am not saying you shouldn’t enjoy a bottle or two that is upon you.
What am saying is that getting intoxicated so as to forget won’t make your problems go away, you will only stall them for a time, they will still be there when you sober up. When one hits rock bottom, one is willing to risk anything to get out of the pit they are in even if it means clutching at straws to just get the feel of salvation. I have been countlessly been told, it does  not matter how bad things are, if you ever fall down.
You need to get up, dust yourself off, lift your head up and try again. It is no easy thing to just try and fight your way through the massacre of ones emotions, will and sanity. As stated above happiness is not the absence of problems, oh no, problems are like a second skin, how we decide to wear it now that is the true test.
Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom, that is where you perfectly stand. It is your chance of restarting a new. When the ultimate crisis comes, when there is no way out – that is the very moment when we explode from within & there emerges: the sudden surfacing of a strength, a security of unknown origin, welling up from beyond reason, rational expectation, and hope
Hitting Rock Bottom is like jumping into a swimming pool, when your feet touch the bottom it is just that much easier to push your way back up. At some point in your life you may hit rock bottom but remember God will always be that solid rock at the bottom that will catch you when ever you fall!

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