Monday 12 January 2015


Ahaaaa! Yes we are back to the wondrous show called ‘Life’, where we eat to live instead of live to eat. I wonder if that even makes sense to me or even you. It seems this chilly weather is really taking a toll on my brain functionality. It doesn’t matter we shall make it through this tough times with our fists raised in the air, shouting “a luta continua”. Like the viking warriors, every battle shall become a symbol of our victory in the land of great trials.
Let the lesson begin, i will be your supposed teacher or lecturer and you will be the student or learner on the topic ofhumility. Humility is defined as the act or posture of lowering oneself in relation to others, or conversely, having a clear perspective, and therefore respect, for one’s place in context. It does not mean that we think less of ourselves as compared to others, nor does it mean having a low opinion of our being. It is a freedom from thinking of ourselves most of the time.
Am guessing that has not made much sense. I will put it simply, you should not gloat about anything you have done but should have your deeds speak for themselves. As human beings we have a weakness of always showing others that they have not achieved much in life nor are they generous beings. What a shame that we let our pride and ego go to our heads and cloud the very clarity of the happenings in our various social status.
It is saddening for one to think that he can live without others that is a mistake & the rouse that one thinks that others can’t live without him, one must be quite deluded. Now class, wear your learning like your watch, in a private pocket and do not pull it out & strike it merely to show others that you have one. We may be of different backgrounds and ethnicity but that does not mean that red blood does not course through our veins.
You may have the biggest house in the estate, the most technologically advanced vehicle, a vault full of money but if you lack in having a state of humility in your bones all that is just for show. Having the good things of life is not a curse but a blessing which should not be rubbed into people’s faces. True merit, like a flowing river, the deeper it is the less noise it makes. It is said that ‘one learns to ignore criticism by first learning to ignore applause’.

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