Monday 12 January 2015


There you are! Welcome back hope you had a good night rest. Why are you looking puzzled like as if you do not know what am talking about. Yes you, the one who is reading this & no i have not lost my mind, all my nuts are in place. I know, i know it feels weird being addressed by a page jotted down by God knows who god knows from where. Anyway keep calm, i will let you in on a little secret. Am guessing you will like that would you, well unfortunately secrets are meant for two people that is what i read somewhere.
Now since you are still trying to figure out what am talking about, let me take you to the feel of the day. Did you know: The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people have the brightest smile. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they do not want anyone to suffer the way they do. I bet you hadn’t thought of that huuh, me too. I was surprised just as you are, i was like this can’t be until i started asking the right kind of questions and i tell you, it is a whole new world out there.
The truth will always set you free. This was a thought provoking and conversation stimulating kind of information to be aware of. Have you ever seen this kind of man or lady in your clique of friends or colleagues who always seems to have things in his or her life in control. You will be all envious that he is not fettered by anything and that he is always keeping it together. Let me tell you, it is a facade, a mask that is worn most of the times but i guarantee you he is fighting his own demons and slaying dragons left, right and center.
Am guessing you know someone like that in your life and yet you never hear them complain or get frustrated even though life is throwing all manner of hardships their way. There you are looking at them and being like, “Damn! I wish i had the strength like that of so and so”. Don’t even deny it, shaking your head like a ‘kayamba’ distancing yourself from such thoughts. Haaa! You can’t get off that easy, just accept your flaw and move on.
Back to this warriors of modern times, have you ever taken just time and sat down with such a person & listened to what they are going through. Make a point of doing that and you will come to learn that they are also human just like you. Facing what each and every one of us is dealing with but they handle their matters more gracefully. So, never take anyone for granted no matter how strong you think they are, cause deep down you never know which kind of fires they are trying to put out.
For those who are our shoulders to lean on, also at times need a hand to hold them close and let them know they are not alone.

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