Monday 12 January 2015


When i was young,there was a nursery rhyme which i was taught,”why worry when you can prey”. At the time it did not make much sense as i was not fully conversant with what i was singing. I just liked the sweet tunes. It was when i grew up and became an adult that i got to understand the words that i had kept singing as a lad. When you grow older, more responsibilities come your way. You get to learn that life is not as smooth as you thought.
When we are young our parents are our guides, protectors, educators and so on. We never really knew what awaits us in our adult life. Once you start working and earning your keep that is when things in your world cause you all kinds of heartache. You stay up all night trying to figure out how you will handle an issue or solve a problem. You wear your worries like a second clothing. For life has become harsh, brutish and rough in the sense that your every tactic of survival is crushed by the various clouds of worry.
I learned that if you want to face your problems, you place them before God. You get down on your knees and forward each and every problem to the Almighty Father. Worrying  has made many lose their lives, make poor & bad decisions and so on. I usually quote to myself something i once read,it was a letter of sorts it went like,”My child, you worry too much, i got these remember. Love God”. It is the shortest letter i have ever read but the words have a magnified impact.
If we all learn to sort out our matters one at a time, we will have less to worry about. You start with the simplest as you gear towards the hardest. That way you are able to tackle each and every problem as it comes, avoiding overloading your brain. If you can find an individual whom you can relate then you can discuss you issue and see how to work a way around it. As it is usually said,”two heads are better than one”.

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