Monday 12 January 2015


We all have friends, most of us anyway. Friendships get fostered over time, as individuals get acquainted with each other. It takes time before a bond develops between strangers. Then from there onwards, one proclaims of having found a friend on whom they can rely on. Having people in ones life is a tricky business. As at times, some will decide to hell with you and move out of your life. While others well say,”what the heck am not going anywhere”.
They stay with you through thick and thin. It is like clenching a butterfly in ones’ fist. If I tell you it is alive you may decide to crush it to death. If I say it is dead you may decide to release it. Having people in our lives means there are some whole will stay for the ride or they will disembark at the next stop. Life plays by a different set of rules. When you wake up in the morning and say to yourself,”what could possibly go wrong today”.
Life just rubs its hands in glee and says,”challenge accepted”. We have an obligation of either retaining some of our friends or deciding well it has been fun while it lasted but now we have to part ways. At first it will be painful but then you will get accustomed to the loss. We are built by those who stick by our side through it all. When one does walk away do not block their path but just let them be. It will be for your own good and theirs.
We are not meant to be shackled to those who create no value in our lives. If you have a ride along let them be, they are there to stay.

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