Friday 23 January 2015


Hey there! Hope you had a restful night? No! Well then it does suck to have to toss & turn all night long with no sleep. Sometimes, I guess sleep just evades you like that promise that never came through. Anyway don't you worry the month is nearly coming to an end, then you will be able to breathe in the fresh new opportunities lying in wait for you.

There is this phrase I have heard been carelessly thrown about, "the grass is greener on the other side". What the heck is this madness you utter to yourself for reassurance. Who told you such imaginary tales & there you are believing them. Let me ask you, don't shy away it is  but a simple question. How did the grass on the other side get to be green?

Stop shaking your head like a kayamba and feeling like as if I have just deflated your ego. It is just an innocent enough question, fine you don't have to answer! (I will talk to myself then). Let us, look at it in a more practical manner, for grass to grow it needs water, good soil, some fertiliser, some good care (I think that is just about most of it).

Now once this key materials have been utilised in the right amounts, the grass will take root, grow and will create a carpet of green. To put it in terms of what we go through in life, for example: if you have an idea and you try it & it flops most of you am assuming will abandon it. What if you asked someone for their insight into your idea?

That way you will see from their perspective, what they think had gone wrong. As we say, "two heads are better than one". Hence if you are willing to try it again, you will do it with a different notion trying to avoid the same mistake you had made earlier. Thus if you are persistent, the idea you had will manifest into a reality of your liking.

If you let the circumstances around you deter who you are, then you will but be a hostage of life. Don't live in accordance to the standards of the world but more so in the vision of your being. You have the great and hidden potential within you, do not let it whither away like a dying plant.

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