Monday 12 January 2015


There you are, all focused on making it in life. You don’t even want to socialize with others, you consider it a distraction from your goals. All because you want to come out on top as the best. Having achieved your set out plan in life. Haaa!I really pity you. Brushing aside the small pleasures of life, stating you have your eyes set on the grand prize. What a shame, all that effort thinking you are immortal like the Greek gods.
Get this right, am not saying that working hard is violation of human rights. No! what am putting forward is that if you do not learn to live a little. Ooh you will miss out in life. Then you will come to realize since time has moved on, you will not gain any of the supposed to be Kodak moments or fun times. All because you had been so focused on achieving your goals. One thing i do know for sure is that the time we have on earth is so short we need to spend it more wisely.
Do not subject yourself to torturous hours putting your all in trying to make it. Get some time and relax, do some fun activities to loosen up. You could take up swimming, watching movies, learning to play a musical instrument, going for cooking classes, go for hiking, bungee jumping, random trips e.t.c. Do not take life too seriously, you are definitely not going to out live it.
Enjoy what time you have on earth. Go ahead and achieve you dreams but do not forget to have some ‘me’ time. As it is said,”Work with no play makes Jack a dull boy” or something close to that. Let life be both an adventure and a beautiful experience. Live life and do not let it live you.

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