Monday 12 January 2015


We are all as different, as the fingerprints that define us making each and every one of us unique in our own special way. In society we are our own true definition and should not allow the society to defines us. Otherwise we shall lose the true meaning and value of ourselves. It is quite unfortunate that most times we are forced to act or behave in a certain manner, am not saying that it is a bad thing but sometimes it is a bit too much.
Society has a way of judging us by our actions and yet does not fully understand the reason behind them. An example will be the dress code expected of one while in public. Nations have now gone mad & lost their way and started dictating  the manner in which their citizens should dress. This has brought a rift between people of all walk. Creating an enmity of the highest order amongst people who once had a bound. Some individuals have taken this as an opportunity to torment others due to such pity and irrelevant matters.
It is such a pity that we have made ourselves get enslaved by the mentality of a broken society. In which, how we conduct our every day life is determined by like minded individuals who know nothing about the workings of life. There have been circumstances whereby some have tried to fit in to the ways of the society but got lost in the mayhem that comes with trying to change ones image to please others.
The common trait that keeps surfacing is that most people are quite judgmental of others without fully comprehending the reason as to their being. If one does not have a fancy phone, clothes, car, house or any such other possessions he/she is considered to be poor or not properly educated. Leaving me to wonder have you ever thought that some people just prefer to live simple lives and avoid the hustle of a flashy life. Yet we prejudge those who are around us by their way of life.
It is evident that not all people are perfect nor are they angels. Some may live lives that are dark like sin and yet to the society they are considered angels. We are all brought up differently and as such we tend to relate with others differently. It is important that we learn to appreciate our uniqueness in this society, where our every move is monitored, our every word is considered as our signature and our actions our down fall.
Even though that is so, be your self and live your life as you see it fit.You are the definer of how your life should run. Do not point a finger at others because they are different, but try to nurture them in a more deserving way, be rather a guide than a accuser. Know this when you are pointing a finger at another, the remaining fingers are pointing back at you.

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