Monday 12 January 2015


Who cares! A phrase carelessly used by many when feeling neglected. We utter this words when we feel as though no one has our best interests at heart. Confined in the limits of our bonds and restrained by the cocoon in which we hide ourselves. Yet we feel as though we are on our own and that nobody out there cares enough to be by our side. To give us a shoulder to lean in our time of need, to guide us when we are lost or to push us when we are stuck in the thick of things.
How wrong we are in assuming that nobody has us in their sights. If only we could open up to one individual just one, then we will come to understand that there is someone out there who does cares about us. We should not shut all doors of our lives to the outside world just because we have been hurt before or having found out that the world is cruel. When we fall ill, some or most of us get visited by friends or family checking up to see how we are doing.
If someone can find time out of their busy schedule or life to be by your side do not take it for granted. It is not easy for one to leave the hustles of life to be there for someone else. Life is too damn demanding that it is ripping at the very fabric of our existence. Know this, we all have a role to play in the lives of others as well as ours. It is not a matter of having wealth or being the most wise, as long as you show that you care about somebody else that is what that counts and matters.
In making a difference in the world, let your actions stand out. Be there for somebody the same way you will expect somebody else to be there for you. You are the candle light for those who are in the darkness. Your presence in the life of another person may not mean much to you but be assured that the other person is feeling their world has been completed by you being in it.
Let not our hearts be troubled for we are loved by the few. Sort after by those who only know our true value. Embraced by those who deem us their friend. Let us care even though it is not in our nature but try to nurture it to be part of our being. Let us care and be there for others even though they are of a different realm.

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