Monday 12 January 2015


The very gift of life that we have is not granted to last forever. In the morning when we wake up & take in the clean fresh air, we should always be quite grateful that we have seen the light of day. Not many have had the good fortune of waking up and go about their every day lives. We are privileged in all ways to have life in us. The lives that we live have to be guided by our will to make things better and to believe that even if many look down upon us we shall rise up and stand tall.
I was once told, “what you confess you profess”. Our words are powerful tools in our lives, which can change how things correlate. What you keep repeating to yourself each day will become your bond. If each and every time you are told by someone that “you are stupid” or ” you can not do it” and you believe it to be true then you shall become what is said. Our words have a power like no other & if we let others have that power over us we shall surely be heading for our destruction and ultimate doom.
I have discovered  that talking to God in the morning does change how things work out. I am not saying you get to be all holy n thou, am simply saying take a moment and just tell God, “thank you for this day that you have given me”. Starting each day with a prayer can be quite rewarding in ways that one can not even comprehend. It refreshes every moment that was bound to be a wreck and you will feel reborn a new.
When we involve God in our every day lives, He ensures that we get His peace. Telling Him in the morning how we are feeling is letting Him take charge of the day for us. Starting your day with God will surely end with God. Though at times things may be working against you, be assured everything in our lives happens for a reason. You may see it as bad luck, but it is a way of strengthening you.When you give God control of your situations He will steer things in a more favourable direction.
When life is too easy one does not grow, unlike the times when you are facing challenges from every corner, you learn what to do to hold on to your sanity. You may even surprise yourself and decide that well,”I got this”. Having believed so, each day you will wake up feeling light like a feather and knowing that all will be well. Let your words be your stronghold, even when it seems you lack the motivation. Tell yourself I can do this no matter what, i have got this!

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