Monday 12 January 2015


“To err is human”, that is just the way of the human nature. We can’t help but accept that we are at fault & that no matter what we do no one can be perfect. The world revolves around a norm that in society we are to be seen without blemish. Mistakes are a part of life, they are part of the learning process in life. Obstacles shape us in this epic journey of life. When you are in the wrong, one needs to learn to accept their fault and move on.
It should be known that even the good or the best of people do fall short of the expected standards of society. Mistakes are bound to happen one way or another whether we perceive them or not. At times bad things happen to good people, not because they have done anything to compromise their integrity but just that life was playing under different rules.
We should not be judgmental of others when they fall short of that which is expected of them, even a new car breaks down and eventual needs to be repaired. In life when you are going about your daily business of survival, decisions get made that will deter how your day will end or run. No one should be held hostage for the mistakes made in their past but instead be given a helping hand and guided to avoid future errs.
When you make a mistake it means that you are doing something and not just sitting idle watching the world from your throne up in cloud 9. Always acknowledge your mistakes before somebody exaggerates them and taints the gravity of the error made. Do not carry your mistakes everywhere you go, instead place them under you feet and use them as stepping stones in your walk of life.
Never ever regret anything that has ever happened in your life, as it can’t be changed, undone or forgotten. You should take it as a lesson and learn to move on and not stagnate on the past. We should be willing to accept and know that mistakes are bound to be made, this is because life does not come with instructions. Do not place your mistakes on your head, the weight may weigh you down and crush you. Instead place them under you feet and use them as a platform to view the horizon.

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