Monday 12 January 2015


The farmer toiling & moiling under the hot glaring sun, sweat glistering & dripping down his forehead as he ferociously digs the harden ground with the sole purpose of making the fertile ground ready for the planting season. Such was they way back then when our forefathers worked hard & tirelessly to provide for the family. With each stroke of the jembe they worked in the fields from the break of dawn till the approach of dusk. For that was the life lived and cherished, when society worked as one and everyone chipped in with the aim of building a better community that flourished.
Lost in the timeless void that has been created by life, we have become so obsessed with achieving the best positions in our careers, driving the fastest cars, owning the most beautiful & expensive houses, going to the best of schools, eating at the best restaurants in town, yet we are left wondering is this all there is to life! We all aim to be successful and have the best of things & yet we are so arrogant when we are climbing the ladder of success that we  go shouting on top of the roof tops so that the whole world may hear of how far we have come in our lives, neglecting those who are yet to attain that which is their shinning moment.
Whenever you look around at how far your life has changed, am guessing you smile as you take a sip of that wine or whisky & acknowledge that through your sweat and blood you have been able to build your empire. Which to me is a good thing, but my question to you is this, “do you have to tell us each & every time that you are successful?” Why not let your success speak for itself and let us heap our praises on your plate. Look at the likes of Warren Buffet a re-known billionaire who has it all and I mean literally, yet he humbles himself even before those who have not achieved such greatness as he. Living a simplistic yet elegant lifestyle and not smearing all his success in anyone’s face.
If only we could learn that even though fame and fortune are gracing the very ground we walk on it does not mean one should look down upon others. Give a helping hand where you can, share some advise on how one can better themselves, be a stepping stone for others when they are down. Warren Buffet was once heard saying ” Look for 3 things in a person – intelligence, energy and integrity. If they do not have the last one, do not even bother with the first two” such is the wisdom that this man has. Look at yourself, you may have your dream job, a seven figure account balance, a number of houses in various different countries all over the globe and yet here you are lacking in inner peace.
Do not let your success get in your head and poison the humanitarianism that is existent within your being. Les Brown a motivational speaker once said, “The greatest revenge is massive success”. He was putting it out there that you don’t have to exact revenge by use of physical force but by showing others through your skills that you can make it in life by becoming the best of you. When you work hard let that which is your accomplishment speak in your stead.

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