Monday 12 January 2015


It all begun when I was in class and the phrase, “the grass is always greener on the other side” was mentioned to me. I was dazed & confused by these words. What was the hidden meaning that I was meant to decipher from this simple sentence. I racked my brains for years, trying to crack the secret. Only until recently did I discover that the meaning though not clear cut was a symbolism of how we view our lives.
We usually say, “walk a mile in my shoes and maybe you will understand how I feel”. Am still trying to wrap my head around that one. Anyway when we were growing up we had this tendency of admiring the things that others had and wished that we were part of their family so that we could be able to enjoy what they had. It was a sad state of affairs clinging to the lust of what others had instead of searching for our own.
I always envisioned myself being filthy rich and quite powerful & wealthy. It is still a dream I hold close at heart but I realized if you want something you have to work hard for it. Toiling night and day to fulfill my goals, doing my best to attain the grades that will enable me go to a good school then get a better job. It has been tough but slowly I have seen myself inching closer & closer to where I want to be.
No one ever said it will be easy but if you decide to take the leap of faith you will be amazed by what you can achieve. People always want to have the best of things yet they never put in the effort to get that which they desire. If you started to save little by little & creating plans for your life, you would be surprised by what you can achieve and also ensuring not to lose hope even when times are tough.
Someone will ask how do I save yet the demands of life are many. Well for starters you have to look at what is a necessity and what is a luxury. There will be no clear line as to what you may deem as either but in your own wisdom you will have to decide that which for the time being you can live without. Once you set out the priorities that are vital in your life you will put them first as the rest follow.
It will not be easy but your determination to achieve your dreams will be your guide. The way in which you prioritize your goals will be the guiding force in you gaining ground in finally making it in life. Setting aside small sums of money for a rainy day, spending only on that which you need and not just that you want, budgeting on your finances, accessing the impact of every decision you make and so forth.
These are but a few of the ways to better your life & ensure your garden of hope still remains well watered. You have to start believing that you have the power to hold the world in the palm of your hand. Water your side of the grass and you will soon see it becoming greener.

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