Monday 12 January 2015


Life is not some form of crystal ball which you can gaze into & lo and behold you know the future. It is more complicated than that, it is more so like a jungle full of all sorts of unpredictable forces that have the sole purpose of making your blood boil & your mind freeze. We so often misuse & abuse the meaning of, “life is like a walk in the park“, it is not I can assure you on that.
If it had been so, we would all be living lives in the literal sense of heaven on earthOnce you become an adult, realization dawns upon you that the world plays with one rule & that is there is no rule. You may go into a corner & whimper about how life is unfair, while others are looking into the pros and cons of how to tackle the waywardness of the life being lived.
It is unfortunate that once you become an adult you are bound by your decisions & the very choices that you make. Meaning that for every action you take there will always be a reaction to counter it. We learn from our mistakes but that does not mean that we have an excuse to continue making them. Once a mistake is made, it is supposed to be a stepping stone to clarity & not a cloud to hide behind.
When you wake up every day, you have two choices. You can either be positive or negative; an optimist or a pessimist. It’s all a matter of perspective. We choose the paths that we follow by the very decisions that we make on a day to day basis. I believe that we are solely responsible for our choices and we have to accept the consequences of every deed, word & thought throughout our lifetime.
Too often in life, something happens and we blame other people for our lack of happiness, satisfaction or fulfilment. I think most of us are raised with a preconceived notion of the kind of choices we are supposed to make. We waste so much time making decisions based on someone else’s idea of our happiness or what to think that we lose ourselves in their world instead of creating our own unique universe.
Know this, nothing in all nature is more certain than the fact that no single thing or event can stand alone. It is attached to all that has gone before it and it will remain attached to all that will follow it. All in all every decision decision that you make has a repel effect no matter how trivial you may think it to be.

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