Monday 12 January 2015


Yes sir, we are a chosen generation, the last wall of defence against the Y.O.L.O. madness. What is up with kids of these days always chanting the word like some password code to some secret underground fight club . It is said that though the sky may be cloudy it does not mean that the sun has stopped shinning, it will emerge from behind the clouds and illuminate the earth with its bright rays of light.
A friend of mine addressed a vital issue just recently about chewing more than you can eat. He was discussing “the biggest lies told in relationships” and how we let them scorch us and that it is only when we are burnt that we realize that we are in trouble. The first example he gave is that of a couple whereby the boyfriend was a violent man whereas the lady always believed that he will one day change and to add salt to injury is that she loved him deeply.
The other scenario is where another couple are not as dramatic as the first but the lady in this one has found a “mysterious man” who gets her blood boiling by his ways both in mannerism and behind closed doors. The boyfriend is faithful and termed as “one of the nice guys”. Unfortunately he is the one in the deep end as he realizes something is up with his beautiful lady yet he can’t bring himself to accept the truth that his relationships is hitting rock bottom.
All the above are the hidden truths that after a period of time get unveiled when we least expect. The most heart breaking news is that we just simply ignore them & simply sweep them underneath the rug as if they are non-existent. It is like the way the moon can’t be seen during the day, it does not mean that it is not there it is just not facing your sphere at the moment.
Living a lie has its draw backs, as you have to keep track of every story told in every situation that you created in rouse of living it. I think it must be quite exhausting to keep track of all that information. You better realize & acknowledge before it is too late that in the end when the curtain is drawn and the light streams in, you better brace yourself for the unveiling of a life time.

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