Monday 12 January 2015


Do you ever wake up in the morning and just think out loud,”today is not going to be a good day”. It is like as if the forces of darkness had conspired against you during the night. Everything you touch gets destroyed, every person you talk to you piss them off, you get a deal it goes south. You are like,”What the hell is wrong with me!”. Know this, nothing is wrong with you it is just nature balancing itself out. Your day may have started in a shady way but that does not mean that is how it is meant to end.
Life is so full of disappointments that it reaches a point one just can’t take it anymore. You feel as though it is not worth much to stick around and continue with the same  disappointment streak. Like the Prodigal Son in the Bible, he asked for his share of inheritance from his father. He went away and squandered the whole of it on the fine things of life. He got so broke that he had to eat the same food as the swine he was looking after.
He later on realizes that he needs to man up and take responsibility for his actions. He goes back home where he is welcomed with open arms and celebrated. We learn from this setup that realizing ones self worth can help in how we encounter life and all its madness. Do not let others put you down and make you a feel like a nobody. As it is said,”Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” are you that beholder or is it someone else?
How you view yourself matters a lot to you than it does to others. When you get to understand and grasp that you are not just anybody but that you are somebody of significance, then your value rises with this realization. You are part of a greater picture that has many pieces fitting together to make it a master piece.

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