Monday 12 January 2015


We are not only bound by blood but by the synchronization of our hearts, that is what I believe. A phrase most commonly used by people of various corners of this beautiful earth is, “blood is thicker than water”. I can’t refute that, considering the density of each that is if you look at it from the physics/mathematical angle. A family is a social unit that lives together, that is the definition am getting according to the dictionary.
In accordance to how we were brought up, a family meant those who we are related to us by blood. I think to me it is more than blood that can make one family. Let me ask you, are there people in your life who you are closely related to that you take to be more than friends & deem them more of family? Yes! No! Take your time & think about it am in no hurry. Blood makes you related, loyalty makes you family.
I will speak for myself, I do have friends that I consider family though our blood  may be red we are from a different family setting. When we were growing up, we used to look up to those who we are raised with us within the same homestead. It is only after we ventured out of our parents house that we realized that there are other people who are willing to share our burdens & lives with them.
A good example that I can give, is the person whom you call your best-friend, that particular person whom you share your darkest secrets with. Most of us have best-friends whom we confide in & consult with when we want to make either a minor or a major decision. When the two of you are together you become a force to be reckoned with.
Being family means putting your arms around each other & being there for one another against all odds. Having somewhere to go is home, having someone to love is family but having both is a blessing. To be family is a privilege not to be taken lightly as it does not only bind you to one another but it connects you to those who are around you in thought, deed and heart.
Take note that family is not merely having the same type of DNA but it is more so having people in your life who want to share the world with you. Accepting each other for who we are & ensuring that happiness becomes a universally shared phenomena. There are days that things will not look up for you but know this when you have family that supports you in your darkest hours that is all that matters.

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