Monday 12 January 2015


“Who am I? I am the Son of Africa”. An heir of the African heritage & a child of the soil on which i stand on. I am who I am cause of what I am. No one is born to be the same. We are distinct in our physical features, how we think, how we live and so forth. A life lived on earth is a gift as we come to appreciate the true nature of living in the present. Have you ever wondered,”do i really make a difference in this world, is there any lesson that someone can learn from the path i take in the walk of my life?”.
We all hail from different back grounds and communities, making each of us as unique as stars in the sky or as distinct as the letters of the alphabet. It is humbling to be set apart from the rest but what I really wonder is how do I make a difference in somebody’s life. Do I motivate someone to ape my mannerism or do I repel them like the like poles of a magnet. No one is perfect in this world cause it is evident that only Jesus Christ was perfect but that does not mean that you can’t try to make yourself a better person.
Every now & then you need to evaluate yourself and see what footsteps am I leaving on the sand for those who are behind to follow. For example is it that every time you give something out to someone you don’t know or do an act of kindness or generosity you expect to be rewarded or to receive something in exchange! It is such a pity that the human nature is configured on the give & receive exchange system. I have come to learn that there is a joy in giving & just not expecting anything in return.
Am not saying that you need to follow my example but that in all you do try to think of someone else other than yourself. It may not mean much to you but to the individual whom has received your help will either appreciate or not. It doesn’t matter that is what I say, just do that which is right. Someone may say, “hey I also want to be like so and so he/she really sorted me out in my time of need” or they may just realize that faith in humanity has been restored.
Let your light shine for others so that they may also see in the dark & not crawl about blindly. Our actions should be a reflection of the kind of life we want others to live and not merely our own.

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