Monday 12 January 2015


We all at one time or another have made some idiotic decisions about something not because we know what is best for us but by thinking we know what is best for us. Choices in life always come with a consequence, if not carefully decided the repercussions can be quite severe and detrimental to ones conduct in every day living. Our daily cycle from when we wake up to the time we got to sleep is governed by the various choices that we decide to stick by and follow..
We are bound by the very decisions we undertake to stand by as we deem them to be quite reasonable and most accurate in our eyes. It is such a pity that we get waylaid by the half truths of what our eyes see, getting ourselves entangled in the trap of our dumb decisions. No one is a perfect being, but it seems that the use of the common sense which is not so common seems to elude us.
Leaving us making unwarranted and un-calculated moves that later on place us in harms way. We are like chess pieces on a board each with its own unique movement & purpose and yet only a few make it to end of the game When we stumble it does not matter how many times we are on the ground but how fast we get get up, dust ourselves and move on with our heads held high knowing that we can not be defeated.
We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the life that is waiting for us. Look at life through the windshield and not the rear-view mirror. We are part of society that needs to get off its knees and stop lingering on that which we have messed up and take the first bold steps in trying to redeem ourselves from the aches of our failure. To be a disappointment does not mean it is the beginning of the end, rather it is a passage of life to be taken with charisma and a bold attitude.
When your past keeps knocking at the door, do not answer for it has nothing new to say. You are above reproach in all that you do to know that, yes you have made errors in your life bu that does not mean that since the situation got from bad to worse it can not be salvaged. Your next step afterwards will be your salvation in which you can save yourself from the fiery fires of the abyss of failure and poor decision making.

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