Monday 12 January 2015


Who amongst you doesn’t want to make it in life? Anyone! No hands up! Cool, I know that we all or most of us anyway have that craving for living in paradise on earth sipping on Mojitos. Life is quite a tricky thing in the sense that we have to wake up each and every morning so at to go and get our daily bread or as others will term it where I hail from“kuhusle”.
It only dawns on us that we are not on the right road, when we take each day as it comes without a fall back plan or  any form of strategy. I envy those of you who have it all worked out from the onset of their existence to the final rest in the future times. Life has its on path for us, but we are the determinant of whether we shall follow it or we shall make up our own foot path for better living.
Living under the shadows of others deems and makes us just that ‘shadows’. Whereby we go where the other goes without deviating from the course that others are taking. If only we could detach ourselves from the chains binding us to others then we could realize that, just like the gladiators in the Roman times who had to fight to win their freedom , we also can achieve that which we desire.
If you let yourself be a lap dog, in such a manner that you just follow orders like a mindless being you are heading to a place of a lot of hurting. You will never be able to fend or stand up for yourself all because you lack your own ground. Others will use you for their own selfish ends while you stagnate in the same status in your life, while late on they will discard you having completed their use of you.
We all have to design a life plan which we can adhere to and follow through to the end. The times ahead of us are getting tougher and if you don’t build a bunker for yourself you shall be bombarded by the various arsenals that life likes unleashing unceremoniously. Do not let yourself leave a care free and non-beneficial life with no end goals, if you do woe unto you.
A friend of mine told me this, “tujenge nchi ndio watoto wetu wapake rangi”. At first I was confused then realization dawned on me that we need to make life plans that also cater and include the future generations and not only us.

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