Monday 12 January 2015


Parenting is not one of the easiest job in the world. When you are a father or a mother you have an obligation towards your children. You are meant to be a provider, protector, role model, guide etc. From the day of the conception of your child or children to their maturity as an adult, you are to by their side. A close friend of mine once told me, providing for one’s child is not a matter of material things but being present as a parent when that child is growing up.
Showing your child love & care is more valuable than providing for him or her. As a father you are seen as a protector. Your son or daughter will know that my dad will always protect me from harm. As a mother you will be seen as a guide and a shoulder to lean on. Anytime he or she feels down they can turn to you. Am not saying everything is black and white. Most of the times, situations are not that simple but it all depends on how you manage to handle what parenthood throws at you.
If you are a parent, regardless of how the child came about you need to gear up and play your part in his/her life. No child wants to grow up knowing only one parent, unless the circumstances prevailing deem it so. When growing up most of you had the privilege of being raised by both parents, others were not so lucky and either had a single parent or none. The feeling of being loved by a parent, helps in nurturing a young one to know he/she is not alone and that there is someone who is there for him/her.
I have seen a good number of parents spending lots of money on there kids by buying them whatever they want. Instead of spending some quality time with them which would have resulted in the creation of a lasting relationship between the child and the parent. There is a common Swahili saying,”Mtoto umleavyo ndivyo akuavyo”. If you are a parent or plan to be one, you better equip yourself to handle your role, it will not be easy but it will take some will power from your side to make things work.

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