Monday 12 January 2015


We are creatures of habit, prone to the waywardness of the world. Enslaved by the perception of the masses on our lives. Shackled to the very vices that are a growing trend in the conduct of how we live. Hmm! I am amazed by the thoughtlessness of “generation x” as they are termed. Scrambling for the attention of those who are in the vicinity to witness their uncouth ways and to applaud their skimpiness all for a few minutes of fame.
A moment of silence for the wise men who departed from the very earth we inhabited and are one with nature, who are otherwise turning in their graves as they witness the mayhem & vice filled world we live in currently. The tongue is deemed the most deadly of arsenals that one possess, if wagged off carelessly could cause an uproar & unleash a raucous like no other.
The eyes, ears and the mouth are the only tools one needs to compile all sorts of information on the way we view others. It is found to be advisable to speak what is the true and not instigate false impressions for selfish gain. The repercussion of a lying tongue is the destruction of relations amongst and between persons of various standing.
We are not a species of perfection but beings plagued with flaws of all sorts. If only we learned to hold our tongues and let lose a flow of kind words don’t you think our world will be a better place! Instead of talking behind each others back, we gathered and had face to face chats letting off what is in our chests and saying things as they are.
We would have a more tranquil state of affairs in all the corners of society instead we bash each other with hatred and inferiority complex. It is said do not always listen to everything that is said to you but sieve through the information that you hear to get to the truth. There are three sides of the truth, your side, their side and the actual truth.
A reliance on hearsay has led nations to be at war with each other over claims of having nuclear weapons yet for decades no such artillery has been unveiled. If we could find a way to see the good in people, I can only but imagine how our relations will be. It is a self imposed goal that we should set an example by trying to live in harmony with those around us and aim to achieve a unity that is unbroken but is held together by love & not tainted with hate.
Let our every day acts be a reflection of the better tomorrow that we all dream of and want leave for those who are to follow in our footsteps. As Neil Armstrong said when he landed on the moon, “one small step for man & one giant leap for mankind”. A spectacle witnessed by many across the globe for the achievement attained & at that time we were one.

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