Monday 12 January 2015


We have all been caught in a lie. I know that i have, by my mother many times when i was young. When i had eaten some sugar i was not meant to touch. There i would stand innocently denying with all that is within me that i was been falsely accused, yet sugar particles were smeared all over my mouth. Lies have become a part of our lives that they have become our signature in survival. Where we lie through our teeth to get what we want. We have perfected the art of using false wordings to achieve our own dark needs.
Look at the politicians, they are programmed to make lies look so sweet by coating them with all manner of phrases just to get what they want and the power they crave. Many have fallen victim of the lies as they did not know any better or believed in the lies narrated to them, having being swindled of all they are worth. Look at the religious leaders, using the word of God to justify their own means. The use of a lie over and over again creates a repel effect that is hard to keep track of.
In the world we live in, hearing the truth is like looking for a granule of sugar in a pinch of salt. Lying has been perfected to such extremes that it can not be differentiated from the truth. The tongue is deemed as the most dangerous organ found in the human body. Kingdoms have fallen to ruin all because a lie started and spread like wild fire. Our daily conversations whether with friends or loved ones entail small false sentences in them that we tend to modify to suit our needs.
I weep to see how the common folk are lied to by their governments on unrealistic dreams. Having been shown a new world through the eyes of those in power. Yet not even a single person gets to taste the sweet fruits of this supposed garden of Eden. Like the serpent lied to eve and brought pain, misery, suffering, heart ache all over, the goodness of the precious garden was lost to us all.
Lying is a tiring job, when you start with a small lie it builds up to become a big lie which needs to be covered by another. Meaning  one has to memorize every lie that they tell which i find to be more tedious and brain space consuming. Going with the truth may seem too much to ask but what i do know though the truth always hurts its better than the lies, cause once they are discovered the firey gates of hell will be opened wide and chaos will ensue. Stick to the truth it is much cheaper.

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