Monday 12 January 2015



Welcome to the epic journey of a thousand tales, filled with the spark of century old myths and beliefs. Here we are, surrounded by the accomplishments of our forefathers. Who stood tall & proud as they struggled to bring our nation to a recognisable state. Yet our oppressors saw us as weaklings, unable to make a name for ourselves nor leave a mark like no other. Behold our forefathers proved them wrong by shedding their blood for our us.
We shall stand on our two feet like the Maori warriors  who were an indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand & quite a vicious lot. If only we could be inflamed to take the drastic steps of venturing into the dark night & battling our demons with no hesitation or fear, what a sight it could be. Yet here we are, guinea pigs willing and ready to let others use us at their own pleasure and will.
The decades have passed by leaving behind a trail of the haves and the have nots. Such is the trend we have adopted, looking down on those whom we pass on our way to our destiny. A selfish lot that only craves to satisfy its inner most desires not caring about the fallen nor giving second thought to those who are struggling.
I refuse to stand by and watch as the world passes me by, picking up the fruits of my labour, sweat and tear. No! I refuse to be objectified by the single minded beings of this world but to take up arms and fight for that which is rightfully mine. No more excuses, no more giving lee way to those who I think to be  more deserving, I shall no longer continue to yield to be down sized but raise up from the ashes like a spirit of the earth.
It is so unfortunate that most of us, allow ourselves to be trampled on by others like a door mat to be stepped on by all. Who told you that you are incapable of shining like a star on your own ground? Tell me! So that I can show them the errors of their ways. It hurts so much to see such a wonderful people like yourselves behaving like as if you are nobodies and unworthy of this gracious earth.
Look into my eyes and you will see the very soul that is within. For I traverse through the shadowy slopes & the spiked hill tops to get to the dream that I have. Take my hand and I will guide you around the minefields placed deep in the ground, for your light will and shall shine. Do not hesitate to take the risks nor believe in yourself for a great deal of good awaits you. You can do this, believe me and know that God has you in his sights.

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