Monday 12 January 2015


Shoes are mostly know for the purpose of keeping our feet comfortable and protecting us from harm. We all wear different shapes and sizes of shoes with regard to our various tastes. As a shoe is variant in all its properties, so is each and every one of us. We are born unique and different from each other in all aspect. Every human being has a variation from the other, as is simply illustrated through our finger prints, there is not one which is the same as the other.
Each person i have ever met has a unique personality. Some are a mysterious like an enchanted island, others are an open book, while others are blank like a canvas. Life never treats us fairly & equally and ensures that we toughen up when it starts throwing obstacles our way. I have seen women smiling like as if they are living the princesses life. Yet deep down they are hurting like caged animals. It does take immense strength to be able to keep a smile on your face while at the same time life is playing a tag of war with your sanity.
If someone was to take your place for just 24 hours what do you think they will encounter? Will it be a hidden paradise within the amazon of life or a battle field in the fiery abyss of the chaos erupting all round us. Only you know the answer to that, for you alone have  taken a journey through that road which you embarked on when you joined us in this epic adventure called living. You have faced the odds that none could comprehend nor stomach, fighting to keep afloat as darkness strangled you very existence.
For the journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step. As you step forth you encounter life’s challenges and try to extinguish them like a wild fire burning. You have taken risks, faced rejection, done the unthinkable, clawed to the top, all these to reach where you are right now. You are the only person who fully knows what it took to get to your current status. You are the solo warrior in your war, if someone was to try and fit in your shoes they will not know where to begin or how to handle your world.
It may be so, but it is highly important to respect each other no matter where one comes from and where he/she is going. When you see somebody has climbed the social ladder do not start judging them, yet you do not know how they got to the top. For if you were to step in their shoes and realize that they struggled to achieve their dreams and goals through their own effort, you better embrace it and move on. Do not judge a person just by looking at them, get the facts first then make you own conclusion about them.

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