Monday 12 January 2015


Manhood, it is indeed a test of the very fabric of a man, yet not many embrace it in accordance to the customs of our people who are long forgotten or just lingering in the back of our minds. Here we are a species split into two beings either being a male or female. It takes a lot to be defined as a man & other times to be known as one of the league of gentlemen. How we fail the society by tarnishing the meaning of being a man. In the few days that have passed, there has been a rise of cases of women been stripped publicly by those who term themselves as been men.  What the hell is wrong with this society!
Who the hell said that you had a right to expose the nudity of a woman publicly in the name of disciplining her due to her indecent  dressing! I am ashamed by the heinous acts of these few degenerate psychos. Such is the sick and twisted nature that has taken hold of these backward men, whose minds are clouded by the hormonal imbalance in their bodies. No wonder most women keep on complaining that there are no good men left! Am not saying that it is proper to dress skimpily, but I believe some of us are mature adults who can handle and appreciate a little skin.
As a friend of mine usually says one is simply getting some optical nutrition. This odious behaviour of men disrespecting a woman’s temple (or to the lay person ‘a woman’s body’) is a disgrace to the image and reputation of the morally upright men in society. Am sure our ancestors are now turning in their graves, cursing us as they are baffled by what the world has become. We have become savages who prey on the weak and exploit the defenceless. Is this what our mothers taught us after carrying us for nine months in their wombs and trying to bring us up in a manner worthy of recognition and respect?
Woe unto all those who think that it is just and right to violate the sacred being of a woman, for the long arm of karma will surely get them if not the strong willed. The barbaric nature of those who tend to demean the very existence of a woman, shall surely face the fiery furnace of hell in one form or the other. How you treat a being of the opposite gender has its own vital ramifications, for every action there is always a reaction. Let not the stupidity of those who believe in a cast system in  which they categorize women as the weaker been be a reflection of who you are.
I even asked myself, why gang up and strip a woman, if someone thinks he is man enough he should do the stripping alone & not gang up like a pack of hyenas craving for that one juicy bone. There are but a few who have been brought up with the understanding that every single woman no matter who she is should be respected and not objectified like some kind of play toy or piece of property . We should be weary of the scum of beings who are trying to satisfy their hunger pangs and caution all of the consequences of their actions. It is unacceptable to watch the world burn and going to the dogs, we are better than this and should grow a pair & treat our counterparts with the respect they deserve.

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