Monday 12 January 2015


Knowing oneself is not as easy as most people might think. The journey of self-discovery is one which unleashes our inner and darker demons for the world to see. Most of the time we have a self imposed image of what society sees in us. Until the time we snap and unwrap that which is our true and purest form. Then that is when you know who will stand by you or who will flee from your very presence.
If you continuously depend on the approval of others you shall be the black sheep in the herd. Hence you shall be the one who always relies on how others perceive you, without their acknowledgement you feel like a nobody. You need to let go of the reins of enslavement and take the bull by the horns. Once the code has been severed, your liberty will be restored to you and you shall no longer rely on being favored in  the eyes of others.
I learned that am hard headed and that some of my friends could not put up with how i was and they kept on telling me that i had changed. There i was, questioning myself and trying to figure out what is the matter with me, only to realize that am just being me. Sometimes the only way we can discover what we are supposed to do with our lives is to try different things until we see what works and fits right in our heart.
Did you know that there are people who have lived their whole lives on the default settings and never ever realizing that they can customize their settings. In my experience i know that we are all born with a talent unique and specific to us, and yet unless we ignite that talent to its fullest potential, it will always remain dormant and unused & one shall go on feeling that there is a void within.
Your life is full of possibilities, do not be discouraged by what seems like a dead end. Every moment in your life carries infinite possibilities, just waiting to be discovered. Like a vine finding its way through the slightest opening of the rock solid walls……so will you. You have a unique purpose to live. Discover your true inner self, follow your dreams, desire and aspirations with passion. Commit to make yourself feel purposeful, meaningful and fulfilled.

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