Monday 12 January 2015


Image is everything, how you dress, talk, behave, interact and so on. At least that is what i was told. Anyway to more important matters. In the current society that we live in, how you present yourself matters a lot & plays a significant and vital role in your part as an individual. People all around you will criticize your every move, the clothes you wear, words you utter, your mannerism, your social skills and so forth. We are a unique species that judges each other on the basis of outward appearance not so much on the content of a person.
When a lady is in figure fitting official wear, you will see all around her, people paving way for her, opening doors, pulling up a chair for her, conversing with her in a more respectful manner and so on. If a gentleman is in a fitting stylish suit, ladies will ogle at him & feel more drawn to him as his dress code will speak volumes.Deeming him to be a powerful figure in charge of all that is within his grasp. What i do know for sure is that to make a mark you need to dress the part, act the part and feel the part.
In society you are meant to have the power to move masses without even uttering a word. Your reputation must be able to travel far and wide, creating a repel effect like waves in a raging sea. Let who you are stand out in both words, deeds and image. Look the part that represents you in all aspects, if not, improve your self worth in your eyes and in the eyes of those around you. In such a way that no one brushes aside anything you may suggest or look down upon you cause you are not properly attired.

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