Monday 12 January 2015


“There you are! I thought you had gotten lost in the wonders of the world, but don’t worry as they say there are two sides of a coin or was it three sides, hmm i wonder”. Anyway life is full of mystery and great adventures you can easily get lost in it, it is like walking into a maze, with all those twists and turns. Oh well, life has to go on otherwise we would be stuck in a timeless capsule.
The sweet aroma of hot coffee, freshly brewed does have a kick in the morning. You take whiff of that goodness and you can’t help but smile. Well, don’t you just wish that life was that simple and that things just clicked together like a jig saw puzzle. The unfortunate bit is that, the same way there is day and night there is also good and bad. It all comes down to the choices that we make. It is like the ying yang, the balance of life
You can either decide to see the brighter side of life or you can just wallow in the glum of its dark side. It is all up to you. I know it does suck to wake up each day and think,”I need to make up my mind as to what i want in my life blah blah blah blah blah!”. It is tricky business making this choices, but it all comes down to it being your call, your move. To grasp the complexity of a decision you need to understand the 3Cs.
These are choice, challenge and consequence. Each is interlinked to the other, what you do will soon or later be influenced by all of them. Taking the stand to stick to what you have made up your mind on, the difficulties you will face once you have made up your mind and lastly what happens after you make that choice. Don’t be scared, we all have to bit the bullet in the head one time or other.
You make the most of life by trying to find the path that will get you to your destination. Never forget, the road that you are traveling is yours alone & only you know its pot holes and bumps. Let it be that you live life, knowing that every choice that you make is yours and yours alone and that nobody subjected you to it, that way you are at peace with the world.

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