Monday 12 January 2015


aXEqLp2_700b You know that feeling you get that leaves you all hollow inside, yep that one, am there I call it no-man’s island. Having such high hopes for myself as I saw the stars drawing closer, this journey has become like the exodus my destiny so near yet so far. Yet here I am stuck on the moon, wondering what did I do to deserve this much agony. Denied my joy like the time when the  Israelites were been held hostage by Pharaoh.
I question each and every moment, “what did I do to deserve so much loss and disappointment”. I will not give up yet, am still going to lift my lantern up high and aim to land on the shiny stars. I may have fallen but am going to rise again like the morning sun. Awakening to a new dawn though mortally wounded by the various doors been closed shut right in-front of my face.
It doesn’t matter, I will dust myself and get back on my two feet. “A luta Continua” that is my slogan for life. I may be forced down by the circumstances of life but I shall not yield to the weariness of this world. No more shall I let this life take me hostage and deprive me of the happiness I deserve. Sometimes you just feel like as if all your dreams and hopes have just been shattered, laid to waste by a nuclear bomb.
Leaving you devoid of any joy or hope for a better future. Well, it may be so but one thing I have learned in this life is that when the going gets tough you better toughen up. Arm yourself to the teeth & be determined to end the damn war as the battle has just been snatched from underneath your feet. Such is the life we have to choose and the constant dilemas we have to face.
Circumstance are out to get us, take away our free will and turn us to slaves of despair. I shall not fall into the same abyss twice, my hope may be dwindling like the last ambers of a lit candle but I shall overcome all odds and emerge from the shadows like the lost and forgotten warrior of ancient times. I will toil and moil as I make my way to the top, it may take a while but am not losing hope.
It is gut wrenching and disheartening to be lost in the sea of disappointment but I shall hold onto the raft of a better tomorrow by doing what I do best. Dust myself, get back on my feet and forge forward with my head held high. I will not let the dark days cloud my sunny moments. I shall overcome like the many who have preceded me in a time long forgotten.
Chasing ones dreams can become quite a chore, you will face all sorts of obstacles trying to block your path to your true destiny. The only thing I can say is do not give up yet on your dream, but rather increase your effort in wanting to reach it. Others around you may be having the world at their feet but you need to know that in due time your chance shall come one way or another.
What matters the most is whether you have prepared yourself for the aftermath. A lesson I have learned on this earth is that you should only allow yourself to be bent but not broken as you are much stronger than you think. Just the same way the clouds may block the sun, it does not mean that the sun has stopped shinning.
The experience of having the dream you had just inches away from your finger tips is the most disorienting feeling there ever is but what I do know, as my friends have told me I should not despair but hold on to that faith, hope and know that the fight is not over yet. If you have a vision of the future you want or a dream you want to become a reality you need not give up but fight tooth and nail to achieve it.

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