Monday 12 January 2015


It is said that the saddest people smile the brightest. I don’t know if that is true, but what i do know is that a smile can warm up an ice cold heart. The same way the sun can brighten up a gloomy & chilly day. Each and everyone of us deals with a lot of issues that try to drag us when moving forward in life. We are so caught up in the fight with our inner demons, we get distracted from the little joys found in living. Many a times we have saddened faces, teary eyes, quick tempers, solitude living habits and so forth.
All because we are going through times that are hurtful, discouraging or disheartening. Life is not fair & will never be fair. You have to get down with the program and better yourself. Otherwise the woes of life will drive you mad.Whenever you meet someone in the street you look at their faces and see them brightened,  and immediately assume all is rosy with them. If only you knew their story then you would know all that glitters is not a jewel.
I am not implying that smiling is against the laws of nature, just that a smile conveys a lot. An act of kindness is like having a foundation for a house. This helps in ensuring the house gets to have a stable standing. Do not be cruel or demeaning to others, rather share the warmness of your heart with those around you. We do not need a reason to help others. Someone may be facing the great tidal wave of pain & misery, yet your words alone could lighten up their day like an electric switch.
Holding onto our acts hinders others from understanding what life is all about. Having a relation with others even though they don’t know us could foster a path of great deeds. Let each of your actions be welcoming, smiling would not hurt anybody it will aim at disarming someone’s insecurities and letting them know they are not alone.An act of kindness does not need to be recognised by others, so long as you do it with a clean and loving heart.
Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you, am not implying this is a tit for tat scheme, but no one likes to be treated like a reject. We all have a significant role to play in the lives of others. Arm yourself with that smile, you may be facing the tsunami of issues but that does not mean you should not brighten somebody’s day. Say a kind word, do a generous act without expecting anything in return, be there for someone in there time of need, guide when one is lost, do not let the good in you whither like a flower without water.
We are our brothers and sisters keeper, keep that in mind. Live and let live.

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