Monday 12 January 2015


To be well versed in the culture of ones’ people, is the greatest honour to be bestowed upon any individual of vast homage. How we fail to appreciate our motherland puts me to shame, as I bow my head down low in wonder. Why do we detaste where we hail from yet our roots are meant to be grounded on the land of our forefathers & great ancestors?
Yet we are swayed about like the trees at the edge of a cliff ready to topple over & barely holding onto the ground from which we spring from. Instead of letting our feet soak in the cool waters of the ocean as the waves rush towards the sandy shores. We are, but carried about like a boat whose anchor has come lose, swinging from side to side like a pendulum.
How I admire the sun as it rises in the morning, bringing with it a glorious new day. A fresh start, a new beginning as it is meant to be though we are bashed on every side by the daily chaos of life. Every day is meant to be a new page in the book of your life, as the chapters vary sometimes you may write in ink other times you may just decide to use a pencil.
Here you are bewildered by your train of thoughts, trying to reach the clouds up high. Suffocated by the choking fumes of the hardship of life. A captain of your ship you shall sail though the murky waters, as you fight off the pirates who aim only to steal your dreams & life achievements. Let it be known that you are a fierce warrior like shaka zulu ready to pierce the very heart of your enemy.
You should not let your hopes be crashed underfoot by those who surround you and claim to be your allies. Watch your back as you tread on dangerous ground filled with land-mines ready to explode and take a limb away from your being. How you would love to cower away from the watchful eye of society, yet it judges your every move and conduct.
Let your tears flow freely like the river Ewaso Nyiro, to slide down your cheeks and grace the earth on which you stand. For the bereaved gain strength from within themselves, ridding themselves of their sadness to rise up and stand strong like the mighty Greek gods. You shall overcome all this worldly mayhem, as you seek inner peace in your time of solitude away from the prying eye.
In all you do be steadfast for your journey is about to become more adventurous, going with the wind to the place where your heart desires. For your destiny awaits you, though many may travel the same road as you it is only you who will know how the scene will end. Like in a film you are director of the acts as each scenario unfolds. God speed and let your footsteps not echo on the ground but leave a mark of your magnificence.

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