Monday 12 January 2015


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Isn’t life just hard, in fact of late it has become like digging a quarry to get that which you want you have to put in twice the effort . A friend of mine asked me how things are going on my end and I just replied, “Najaribu kusukuma hili gurudumu la maisha, kwa sababu huku ni shamba la mawe”. Anyway I do pray that God gives us the strength to hold onto this train as this life is becoming quite bumpy and unpredictable.
Did you look at the mirror this morning when you were getting ready for work, school or for the day ahead. I bet you did, there you were trying to make sure that your tie is in the right place, your dress is facing the right direction, you hair was looking good e.t.c. You see the mirror can only show you a reflection of who you are at the moment but not that which you want to become.
In short ‘what you see is what you get’, I think that is how that is usually said. Back to the matter at hand, since the mirror only shows you what is there, we try so much to change who we are instead of bettering what we do & remaining the same person we were before. I am not saying that you should not look nice, lovely or presentable only thing am on is that, on the inside be you and know that no matter what only you know your true path.
It takes time to attain ones greatness & have your name chanted like a war cry but know that this requires patience. It is the kind of virtue that is lacking in most of us, but am not saying it is an impossibility to learn. What we have to understand is that, there is an inner potential in each and every one of us, the only difference is that the journey of self discovery takes a while  for one to get to the supposed end.
Never underestimate yourself just because those who are around you are having it better and being more successful in life. It is crucial to note that when you were young you thought like a child but when you continue growing older how you think becomes more diverse. We need to comprehend that not all things will work in our favour but if we continuously do our best God will definitely do the rest, but that is only my belief, you may differ.
In the end when you reach your goal in life you will sit back, relax as you sip on a glass of fresh juice, soaking in the Caribbean sun and wonder why you were worried in the first place. So listen up, an arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. When life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means it is going to launch you into something great. So just focus and keep aiming.

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