Monday 12 January 2015


Welcome ladies and gentlemen if there are any amongst you of that definition but how am I to judge, you know yourselves better. Today’s class is on the topic of problems & how to handle them. According to the little research that I have done, a problem is defined as a state of difficulty that needs to be resolved or a source of difficulty. Well, that is just self-explanatory don’t you think so?
Now since most of you are puzzled as to what is going on here, let me take you back to the beginning. Just like brick walls, they are there for a reason or should we say for a purpose. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. They are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something, because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough.
I see that some of you are raising your hands to ask questions, hold your horses I will get to you let me just finish on this. Where were we? Ooh yes! We were looking at problems and how to handle them. Well to begin with, one has to identify the kind & intensity of the issue at hand and also know its rating on the problem scale. No single problem is the same as the other but the common denominator will and shall always be you.
To state it simply, back in school when you were learning physics or if you ever heard of it, you did hear about“the fulcrum which was the point about which a lever was free to rotate, the load which was the object/weight & effort which was the force to be applied”. Using this train of though lets say that your problem is the load,  you are the fulcrum & the energy you use in handling the issue is the effort.
As I tried to explain to a friend of mine a few days back, if you are having problems ambushing you from all corners, the best way to handle them is to: first sit down & try to relax yourself, secondly to access your problems arranging them from the simplest to the most complex and thirdly to start tackling them from the simple matters as you work your way to the more sophisticated ones.
Having this simple steps in mind, you could make yourself a bit more stress free & wriggle yourself free from the heavy burden of your problems. In addition you could talk to someone who has ever faced such an issue and get tips as to how they handled the matter or a close & trusted friend whom you could talk to & try and come up with a solution.
Know this, problem will always be there but it is how you react to them that will create the kind of action you will take. Now class, that is the end of today’s lesson & food for thought for the days to come. Class is dismissed.

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