Monday 12 January 2015


Patience is such an easy word to say but hard to follow through. This is one virtue that all over the various lands that is hard to attain or keep. It is common place to find that many of us lack the patience of even handling simple tasks. The reason being that certain things take too long to materialize in our view. Our world revolves around time which is limited to only being 24 hours nothing more nothing less. In this time limit that we have, one is meant to plan how events are to take place and which are to set precedent.
We are always on the clock but no one takes the time to just take a moment and think things through. We have a habit of rushing matters in our lives, that we miss out on the various gifts presented to us by life. Taking time and planing how to have a fruitful and more beneficial life will save us the various heart aches that come with doing things in a rush. If only people learned to wait, then they will see things in their lives unfolding with as much ease as possible.
When we are at a restaurant we are always pressing the waiters to hurry up with our meals as we are in a hurry, not knowing that a great meal needs the proper preparation and timing to bring out its unique taste and the desired result. When calling a lift down, we constantly press the buttons trying to make it come to the floor you are in hurriedly, yet no matter how many times you press the buttons it will get there when it will get there.
Our lack of patience is causing us to lose the opportunity to enjoy life as we are meant to. We are always on the move, not looking at how we spend our time and complaining of not having enough time. If only we all understood that everything will come to us when we learn to take our time and just patiently wait. As it is said in Africa, “Hakuna Matata”meaning no worries. Take time, even to enjoy the beauty of life otherwise the good things will pass you by.

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