Monday 12 January 2015


Religion as defined by Wikipedia,”A religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence”. We all come from various religions as well as different back grounds,meaning we were all raised differently. In the current times religion is used as a driving force in creating wedges between various groups of people in society.
In the local news it is always one group from a certain religion is in conflict with another religious group. Though we are meant to live as brothers and sisters, we hate each other with so much bitterness, making one wonder where did the love go.We are meant to be our brothers and sisters keepers yet we are enemies to the core.We live as warriors of warring tribes ready and willing to shed the blood of the other.
We may hug in public domains in the pretext of been friends, yet we are holding knives to each others back, ready to stab each other, betray or sell out one another.I shed a tear each time i see people fighting over minute matters that could be easily resolved using dialogue.As a people who believe in a God, am disappointed by the works of men and women professing to be religious in their ways.
No one person is lesser than the other.We have the same colour of blood yet we act as if we are of a different universe.The reality in the world is that we have come to accept our disputes as the way of dealing with matters.Deeming each others religion and beliefs as inferior and lacking any standing in the world we live in.
Am ashamed of the thoughtless acts that we have castigated against each other,just to prove who is superior in the religious realm.I pray  that one day we shall all understand that we are all daughters and sons of Africa,who are proud to stand and state boldly that we are one.
Let us try and live in harmony with our fellow beings and put down the weapons of destruction,the hate,the selfishness,the anger,the backstabbing and unite as one and live fruitful lives.Ensuring that we all understand that we serve a greater God and for greater purposes.
Leaving behind the childish squabbles and make religion be what it was meant to be.A sign of the unification of all people on earth.Religion is only meant to give you a guide to a better life. It is not meant to judge or damn others!

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