Monday 12 January 2015


In the world that we live in, we have grown attached to things or people that have always been with us from the very beginning. Failing to create room to allow better and new things to enter into our lives. We have formed a bond with the past, in such a manner that in the present times we fail to acknowledge what is best for us. Relying on the old comforts of life which we have gotten accustomed to.
The failure to let go of the past, has cost many the utter happiness they always sort. If one can not allow change to exist for the better outcome, then we are doomed to be enslaved by the very existence of the chain of the things that have been with us since the beginning of time. We are the masters of our own ships in the rugged and violent sea of life. The imprisonment of our very being to those things which we can not change in us has made us lose our ground in the pursuit of happiness.
In each turn of life, we have made our comfort zones hinder us from the very core of finding what will set us free and give us unlimited liberty. Every time you are with a colleague or a friend & they continuously urge you to let go of something & yet each time you say you know what you are doing. It is so unfortunate that one fails to see the bigger picture and in the long run ends up hurt. Leaving oneself in total turmoil and lost in the train of misery and despair.
An example is where a lady is either engaged or married to a violent man. Each time she is told to leave him, she says she can’t because a)she loves him b)he is a stable financier c)there are kids involved e.t.c.. I get it, this is a delicate matter but we must be realistic about how we let others manipulate our well being to suit them.Another is where a man is always cheated on by his woman, you try to tell him but he sees it as nothing as long as she always comes back to him.
We have become deluded by the way of the past, in such a way that we have become addicted to it, the way an addict is hooked on heroine. He/she knows that it is a bad thing yet they hold onto it like a precious gem. In the long run their lives get ruined and taken over by the after effects of a long exposure to a drained life. If one does not make a stand and decide, “enough is enough”. Well then all hope is lost and one shall become like a ticking time bomb ready to go off.
It takes courage to let go of that which deprives you happiness, a sense of comfort or complete freedom. If there is a supporting hand or a shoulder to lean on, do not ignore it. You may have just found a way of disposing off the excess baggage. You are the sail in your own boat, when the wind blows you have to decide whether to go with the tide or change course and seek the adventures of a full life.Let Go!

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