Monday 12 January 2015


Hi there, I do hope that you are well & up and about. Today I think that we really need to get something clarified and talk about the elephant in the room. Yes, we do have an elephant in the room and it is taking too much space that you and I can’t breath. Let me ask, who told you that you must change yourself to suit the ideal image that others want of you? Have you lost your mind! Why are you torturing yourself this way? Answer me!
Fine you don’t want to talk, well then let me do the talking and you can just sit there or even stand if you like and just listen. I have observed that you decided to wear that dress that your friend said made you look like so and so. Ooh! I haven’t forgotten about you man, wipe that smug from your face, were you also not told that you can sing like that famous singer you saw on blah blah blah blah!
Am not against fashion or singing but what am looking at is that you decided to be like someone else instead of being yourself. Where did you go wrong? Why do you think you are not strong enough to stand on your own ground? You don’t have to answer that but I think you know the answer to that , don’t you? Anyway I want to address this matter of being your true self in all that you do.
I am guessing that you aspire to be like that inspirational speaker/great chef/ superb designer/an advocate or a successful doctor. It is good to be that which you desire and dream of, but what I fail to understand is why do you want to be exactly like someone else. Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you?
It is so unfortunate that you are ashamed of who you are, thus the tendency to cower behind masks. Please just tear off that mask that you have put on hiding your real identity and take the first bold step of living a life whose course is set by you. You have so much potential hidden inside of the real you that you need to get rid of that fake that you are putting on display and start letting your light shine.
You are meant to be proud of who you are and don’t get me wrong I don’t mean boastful. You should be glad to be identified by your own signature and not of another. If you fall it is okay, we all make mistakes and nobody is perfect, but what I refuse to accept is you casting yourself under the shadow of someone else.
Living life ashamed of who you are is a very difficult life to live. Instead of being ashamed of where you have been and what you have been through, be grateful. You are blessed to still have life, you were blessed with the gift of waking up this morning, and you have a chance to make your life better. Not everyone was given this tremendous gift of life this day, and the next minute in our life isn’t promised, just as the next day isn’t promised to as well.
You are somebody! You are important! If you allow yourself to do great things, and stop feeling convicted for what you haven’t accomplished in the past, you will make a big impact on this world. Don’t walk with your head down in shame; walk with your head high, as the queen or king that you really are, and show the world what you are really made of!

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