Monday 12 January 2015


“I am not a rug to be used by people as they please, I am part of the cycle of life as well as a human being like any other so keep your filthy hands away from me”. The words we would like to say to those who like misusing us for their own selfish benefits. Yet we hide under the veil of ‘everything is going to be alright and it will be over soon’. Only to end up washed up due to the constant us by others, left out to dry as we amount to nothing but scum.
If only we could take a stand and say, “enough is enough, I shall no longer be a tool to be used by others for their own amusement”. Then maybe the course we take in life will drift with the wind and take us to better shores. It is quite unfortunate that we allow ourselves to be other people’s shadow. In such a way we can’t think by ourselves we have to be guided by  them in our conduct om society.
It is no wonder that we get discredited by the community as low lives since we are like mechanical beings being manipulated by others to do their biding. What a waste of our time and energy to be taken for a ride only difference being that we are the vehicle being used. When we shall decided to curb this kind of behavior from those whom we think to be demi-gods then we shall pave way for ourselves to greater glory and growth in our pursuit of happiness.
No one is meant to be a slave to the other, but a master of one’s destiny and a conqueror of worlds. Allowing others to dominate over you as you try to find yourself is truly a backward way of enslaving others. Once you decide to gain ground and say no to submitting to the will of others you shall come out as a victor the same way a gladiator emerges victorious in a duel.
People will get mad at you, when you stop allowing them to take advantage of you and become upset since they can no longer use you. Do not heed to the cold stares and demeaning words, but lift your  head up high and walk as if the world is at your feet. We are what we claim to be and should not yield to be the underlings in the kingdom of those in power. you have as much right as the other person to better yourself and enjoy the journey called life.

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