Monday 12 January 2015


Looking at the most well read and commonly cited verse of the Bible John 3:16, we see that God clearly illustrates the Love He had for each and everyone of us to the extent that He gave His only son to die on the cross for the sake of our iniquities. It is quite amazing to know that we have a Father who sacrificed His own just to save us. I tell you, God just has His own way of dealing with us and granting us a passage to His goodness.
If you read the book of Jeremiah 29:11 God details of having plans for our lives. It is not easy letting an invisible being to be in charge of our lives. It is okay to be doubtful, no one is going to force you to believe in something intangible, but you need to ask yourself where do you get you breath each day that you wake up in the morning. It is not as if it is just an automatic impulse or the workings of body the various organs to the most minute.
Anyway, I believe in God and I get to understand Him through reading His word which is The Holy Bible. We always ask ourselves where can we get answers to questions that keep on bothering us in life. Have you tried reading the bible and going through the scriptures to see what God says about a certain situation? In the recent times we find that their are different versions of the bible, like the Gideon Version which has various title topics on its index to guide one in what they may be searching for.
Other versions even have explanatory notes at the back to guide and explain various key topics. All what am saying is this. if you ever learn to rely on God in your every day living, you will find internal joy just flowing through you. Each day will be like an adventure as you go through the word, feeding yourself on scriptures. will help you in facing a lot in this life. Am not saying that things will be easy, there will be challenges coming your way but eventually God will open ways fro you.
As it is said if one door closes, continue praising in the corridor as you wait for another to be opened. Everything that happens in our lives happens for reason we just have to see the bigger picture. We may not see God, but we can always see his wonders on this earth. The nature around us, the animals, the different hours making a day, all these have a unique purpose in how things work. Just know that you are never alone and that always God has your back, don’t show Him yours for He has great plans for you.

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