Monday 12 January 2015


What a beautiful sight it is to wake up to the bright sun, bathing you with its warm rays. A smile will surely form on your lips as you take in the feel of a serene environment. It is indeed relaxing to begin your day on a high note full of expectation & the drive to conquer your dreams and make them a reality. We are not meant to flinch at the sight of despair but rather overpower it and take control of the reins and charge to the ensuing battle.
We wake up each morning with a different kind of feeling for the days that we face ahead. None is similar to the other as it is variant on the intensity of its placement on the week as well as the month.  Now, with all that said & done we are the makers of our days to be beyond our own wildest of dreams or even imagination. We shall and will not take a back seat as the world passes us by we shall go with the following.
We shall broaden the paths upon which we shall decide to place our feet as we tread & leave behind our prints. No one should take any day for granted as it is a gift like no other, meant to be treasured like the very air we breathe. Each and every morning that you wake up, decide within yourself to make a difference not only in your life but also in the lives of those around you.
Let your determination for each day be engraved in your mind, the same way your heart beat is consistent and unique. In all that you do know that though you will encounter obstacles of various proportions never ever stay down but get back on your feet when you fall, dust yourself and move forward to challenge your foe. We are the orbit on which our lives revolve around and we are the only ones who know the path to take.
In all that you face, make it your daily mission to get back to your bed at night with the satisfaction of having accomplished a part of your dream. Do not fetter at the barriers that will try to build a wall around you, get your sledge hammer of determination and break that wall down. You are meant to rise up & stand tall like the pyramids of Egypt just kidding, be the warrior in your own battles like Hercules the divine Greek hero.

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